Sunday, February 21, 2010


My baby is 14. How in the world is that possible? Seems like just yesterday Shawn called me from the hospital and told me I was pregnant.

11 days after my due date this little, well 9 lb. 12 oz., little cutie was born. She was rocking quite the tan.Since that day she has completely changed our lives for the better.She has many talents.She has an unnatural love of chickens. Real, stuffed, and cooked.She's not very sporty.But excels in other areas.She's always on the cusp of new style trends.She has these freckles that make her even more beautiful than she already is.She can't be bothered with little things like removing stickers. She's all about fun.And she has fun no matter who she's with or what she's doing.She's growing up way too fast.She has wonderful, and very fashionable, friends.She can be quite creative. During church. And yes, a bulletin was injured in the making of this picture.She has perfected the 'hold the camera out really far and take your own picture' thing.She stepped out of her comfort zone at a recent school talent show and taught herself a song she sang while playing.She's always willing to strike a pose.She's very good at keeping up with her friends.She has her moments when she can be a very sweet sister. Most importantly, she's mine.
Happy birthday Sweet Pea!!


  1. Happy birthday McKinley! Our kids are growing up way to fast! Zach will be 16 on Wednesday. 16! They'll all be grown and gone before we know it.

  2. oH,She is beautiful. I enjoyed the pics. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I recognize lots of those pictures!! I can bet you all are having a great day, you aren't reaponding to texts! I sent her a text on her phone, does she have it?

    get better.

  4. Awe! Happy belated birthday to her! What a sweet anthology of pictures!

  5. The picture with the comment about her freckles is breathtaking. What a beautiful girl.


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