Friday, November 6, 2009

It's a present for me!

I'm getting a jump on Christmas presents this year. I already bought something! Oh right, it's for me. But isn't that the best type of gift? I personally think so.

I have long wanted an address stamp from PSA Essentials. I happened to pick the day that they were having a 30% off sale! Now Christmas cards will be so much faster and easier. Good since I tend to stress over that. It is my favorite time of the year but good golly there's a lot to get done. I'm sure you all understand.

Anyway! Go to their website and get one for yourself!


  1. Thanks for posting this. I have always wanted one too! And they are 40% off right now. Happy Friday!

  2. I remember you ordering that when you were here! Glad it came!

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