Monday, November 9, 2009

Well isn't that special?

Even though I can't eat Mexican food because of my MSG allergy I still go to a lot of Mexican restaurants with friends and family who haven't realized it is possible to live without it:)

Luckily the one I went to this summer was two doors down from Pei Wei, the happiest place on earth!

Even though I sat in the Mexican restaurant and ate Asian food, I felt bad when I read the menu and noticed they'd named something after me. But on a different note, I may have found a place for the next Funk Family reunion.


  1. I'll never be able to live without Mexican food. I don't believe it CAN be done...
    Every year we go to the Mexican Village and one particular person in our group always orders a burger because she can't eat Mexican food. She tolerates us well anyway... We go somewhere else for steaks another night.

  2. And you didn't tell me about this one??!! I love finding OUR name in places!!

    Aunt- C FUNK!!!!

  3. Doesn't Chinese food have MSG, too? I shouldn't weat MSG, either, b/c of allergies, but it seems like the Chinese food has more of an effect on me than Mexican does.

    I wonder if you could eat Mexican food if you went to Mexico & had "real" Mexican food...


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