Monday, September 14, 2009

Let's Party Some More!

This Thanksgiving found us eating turkey with all the fixings and celebrating Reagan's birthday. It's pretty hard to celebrate with friends around that time of year. We postponed. When her half birthday rolled around it was Memorial Day time. Another hard time to get friends together. So that found us celebrating her 7th birthday 3 months before her 8th. But that meant a pool party and float-in theatre were in order!

Since McKinley had been at school when I made her cake I gave her some icing and decorations and let her make an island next to Reagan's Under the Sea cake.

It was pretty cute.Reagan's cake was also easy to make. No piping involved. I could get used to this. The same rocks and fish from McKinley's plus some Fruit Roll Up seaweed and it was complete.We used the same take home gift for all three parties this summer. It will probably become a tradition. I haven't found a person yet who doesn't like Marshmallow Puffs.She invited 10 friends and 7 said they'd be there. We were all a little crushed when only 4 came. But we quickly realized they were a wonderful 4 to have! She has some precious friends.And it made it easy for the three chaperones to keep up with them! I hate that this picture is blurry but I do look pretty cute....maybe blurry is the photo fix that I need.After cake and presentswhich was apparently when it was a bit chillyand funnythey settled in for a float-in showing of the Bee Movie.It was a bit chilly and eventually everyone but Evan was poolside.
He was still in but was nicely wrapped up:)And so ended our two day party fest and summer of celebrating all three! I sit here being so thankful for my girls and the wonderful friends that they have.

And very thankful that Shawn is willing to clean the pool, mow the yard, and be our video man at a moments notice!


  1. Looks like a fun party! Any cake left over for me? LOL

  2. Loved the account of the parties and enjoyed the pictures! Thanks much for posting!


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