Monday, June 15, 2009

Crazy Wheel

On our last trip to Lubbock to see the family we were given an awesome gift...A Crazy Wheel!

Since they are visiting us for the 4th of July we decided to tuck it away and not use it until then.

This is of course where pool toys come to die.

But when Tyler came to visit we thought we should pull it out for a few days.

Of course, as children are so creative, it was quickly decided that it could be used for so much more.

Jumping into.

Hiding in.

Relaxing in.

And bouncing and being propelled off the top of.And just for sheer enjoyment.


  1. What a blast! Where can I buy that? The grandkids are coming this week to stay for the summer - I got to have one of those!

  2. Crazy family + Crazy wheel=FUN!

  3. fun!! hey, dude, where'd you get the cool tattoo?? hahahaha

  4. Deedee, I bought that for them at Tuesday Morning! But, you can also look online at Oriental Trading under the teacher section. I Had one similar when my kids were small called a Tractor Treader and it was made for the grass and in the house.

    Imagine a 10' table inclined on a sleeper sofa partially folded and the mayhem that can follow!

    Stephanie, great pics, knew you would enjoy this. Can't wait to use it in 13 days!!!!


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