Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sing it with me!

Well, that's really the only line that I know. So...moving on.

Our middle school has a wonderful exemption program that let's the kids with A & B averages and less the three absences skip out on semester tests. They go one step further and take them on trips. And the final step? They pay for it. Talk about a good reason to do your best and stay in school!

In December they took them swimming all day at an amazing indoor pool. Another day they took them downtown to an awesome snow slide.

Now, for May? Well, in their defense...Oklahoma passed a law recently that said that students needed to be in school 1080 hours. We met that before our last scheduled day. Since we have an amazing school system, they decided to let us out two days earlier!

I know that it messed up the reservations that the school had made at the locations it had chosen. That meant today found 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at a farm that is mainly a field trip destination for 4, 5, and 6 year olds.

They had the whole place to themselves which certainly was a good thing because they were all over it! They all took a train ride, played on the playground, and visited the petting zoo. Well, the girls stood around at the playground while the boys...

played. Something about boys maturing later....I'm just saying:)

McKinley has for years been obsessed with chickens. Not so much the actual bird...more the word. Ask her a question she doesn't want to answer and you'll get, "Chicken!" We can't explain it. She does have a chicken Webkins named Nugget but she hasn't asked for a pet chicken or anything weird like that. But today she saw it. While in the petting zoo there it was; a real, live, chicken.Yes, she was in heaven.

Next I stood on the scenic overlook and watched about 50 kids get completely lost in a maze.I couldn't stop laughing. I took about 10 pictures of Kristie's daughter as she passed under me over and over again. I had to comment each time and she finally got to where she said, "Stop taking pictures of me!" I still just laughed.I was the only parent there so I was watching things from a distance so I wouldn't embarrass.I was so pleased when McKinley asked me to come and take pictures of her with her friends. I really wished I could have joined them on the jumping pillows, but the coccyx would not have approved.I love this one. It looks like they're flying.After a few pictures on the hand pedal train carsand the go cartsI headed over to Reagan's party at a park.

Well, not just any park. The park where Shawn and I had our first date. And where he proposed:)

It looks a little different with 125 first graders though!It was quite an exhausting day for some of them.Kennedy and the fourth grade classes stayed at school and had 'Game Day' so I picked her up for a Sonic lunch date. A friend ended up being there also so we sat at a picnic table and chatted. I forgot to take a picture though! Her sweet friend Meredith spent the night so I did get this.They continued their 'game day' by sitting together and playing on their PSP's.

So now we start our summer vacation. What a relief. I'm ready for no schedules and no alarm clocks. Days spent lounging by the pool and nights sitting under the Magnolia for dinner.

Will someone please remind me of this at the beginning of August when my sweet girls are driving me insane and I can't wait for school to start? Thanks.

And now, just one more favorite of the day.Had you going there for a minute, didn't I? Hee hee:c)


  1. How fun! Great pictures! If you need something to do this summer, you can come visit and take pictures of us!

  2. Stephanie, the things we do for our kids! I agree, I'm sooooo ready for summer. I still have 3 days of school :(

    Wish TX had passed that law!

    Looks like you had a good time!


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