Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's That Time of Year

Around here I lovingly refer to the activities that happen in May-May Madness. Field trips, concerts, end of year picnics, voice and piano recitals. I hope each year that I'll live to see June. Add a broken coccyx to the mix this year and I've been pretty miserable.

Last Thursday we were headed to the piano recital. I had spent the whole day at a field trip with Kennedy to the state capitol and surrounding area. Basically I walked way too stinking much. By the time we got to the recital I was in tears. Luckily Shawn stepped in and took pictures for me. They turned out so cute.
The next day, after barely surviving a field trip to the zoo, we headed to state contest. Each of the girls had to get a 1 at district contest in March to go to state. Reagan got a 1+ and got her very first trophy.
Kennedy got a 1 and got a medal and McKinley's 1- got her a ribbon. But since McKinley and Kennedy had both been apart of the Merit Program they each got a trophy. Thankfully everyone left with a trophy so I didn't have to deal with any tears!!
Everything else but the last day of school parties is over. I have three parties, in three different places, to go to tomorrow. Luckily at least two are in the same town!

Come Saturday I will be trying to enslave my children to work in the backyard.

Wish me luck!


  1. you're a wonderful mother. really - an inspiration.

  2. I've heard people say that May is as busy as December - and I think that they're right! The girls look so cute at the recital - and I love their painted nails! Hang in there - June is almost here...

  3. Congrats on the trophies and ribbons! They all look so cute!

    Like you, I'm so looking forward to June. This week has been total Chaos!

    I think us Moms are looking forward to the end of school and such more than the kiddos!


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