Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness

Well, I've been a little MIA lately. We have two awesome cousins in town for Spring Break and we are busy entertaining them. Sight seeing, trampoline jumping, movie watching, game playing, eating, late night talking...the whole sha-bang. We've even touring a state college tomorrow and eating at a world famous restaurant.

If you wonder where else all of my time is going...I have two words for you-

March Madness

Go read this and you'll understand everything.


  1. Let me know how OSU goes!! I'm anxiously awaiting word!

    Sounds like you are keeping my 2 happy. THANKS!

  2. If you ever want to try that Tony's seasoning with the no MSG you can e-mail me on FB and I'll get you address and send yo some it is really great its a cajun seasoning...we use it on our grits!!!

  3. Oh, it looks like so much fun!


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