Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bathroom After!!!

I'm in love. I keep threatening to kick them out and move back into the master bedroom. I'm so jealous!

Although it's not quite done it's so much better then it used to be. I still don't know what to do for a curtain, and we definitely need about 10 more crosses.

Hobby Lobby, here I come! I love a reason to go shop:)


  1. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love it, I'll watch for crosses on sale! Now, I'm REALLY jealous that Amelia is there seeing it in person.

  2. OMG what a beautiful transformation. Love, love, love the colours, the light, the mirror....everything. Maybe just a plain colour for the curtain.
    Have fun shopping for the crosses.

  3. Wow! That's awesome!! I love the sink!!

  4. Stunning! I am eager to see it! Love the crosses. Gigi

  5. All girl, I love it but I bet Shawn can't step in there without getting sick. As for the curtain I think the girls could pick anything black and white and it would be great. The vanity was a huge update. I know the girls are proud of their Mom's decorating talents. How great for them at this age.

  6. looks great. Wish I had a single creative bone in my body.

  7. The color looks great, and what a risk. I love people who love rich colors, and aren't afraid to use them!!

  8. Such lovely colors on the walls! The words christian and gothic come to mind, although there is quite a bit of fuchsia!


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