Thursday, January 22, 2009

Phoenix-Day 2

So day two of all things Phoenix started out with a two mile run. Wait, why? I still don't know if I understand exactly why...but I did it.

Look what I found on my way!

We always make the girls pose in front of anything that has their name on it. She was glad to get it sent to her phone...and thrilled to not be standing in front of it!

I love downtown Phoenix! Middle of January and all the flowers are blooming!

I also felt very tropical with all the palm trees. Made me miss Florida:(

I have way too many pictures like this. I had to get it right!

We had a free day until the Pasta Party at 5 so three of us headed to the movies. Just across the street from our hotel was a statue area. I just had to.
Sadly I needed Shawn for this one.
As we headed up the escalator to our Pasta Party we heard a lot of noise. Guess what? The noise was for us! All the TNT coaches, mentors, and employees were standing on either side of a long room and we walked between them to go into the ballroom. I felt like a celebrity!

We loaded up our plates and headed to our tables. I don't know what I was expecting...but 2,000 people certainly surprised me!
There was a slide show running showing honored heroes for each Team. It was moving to see the people that our fundraising was going to help.
After a hilarious talk by 'The Penguin' (anyone know who that is?) we listened to a mother talk about her daughter Alex. Most of us were moved to tears as she described all that their family went through during treatment and Alex's death. She thanked us again and again for what we were doing. How amazing that even through her grief she wanted us to know how much she appreciated us. It was amazing.

The highest fundraisers were recognized and then Mitchell's Angels were recognized! How amazing to be a part of the sea of pink that stood while the announcer talked about Tracy's birthday wish and sweet Mitchell.

All evening long we were treated like celebrities. Funny, since we were just doing this to honor and help other people.

After several pictures-

All the Angels...

All the Angels that went to the same college...
in a VERY dark, poorly lit room, we were headed to bed.

5 a.m. wake up call the next morning!

This picture is from the dinner. I just think it's cute:C)


  1. You are too funny!! I hope you had a fun time!

  2. This event must be a life changing event for you Steph.
    You as such an inspiration, all the ladies who participated are amazing women.
    You all deserve all the accolades that were bestowed upon you.
    The statue photos were fun.

  3. I love seeing all of these pictures of you and the rest of the Angels. You really are an amazing group!


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