Thursday, January 22, 2009

Phoenix-Day 1

So here we are. The end of 5 months of training and fundraising. The end of giving up my Saturday mornings, and forcing myself to run on cold, windy, and even rainy days. The culmination of all our hard work.

Could someone please explain to me how I can make my body run 13.1 miles but am hyper-ventilating at the thought of getting on a plane? We've discussed before how much I hate to fly.

I thought I'd be fine since I'd have so many friends there I wouldn't get nervous.

I was wrong. It did make me calm down sooner then normal though.

Taking pictures out the window did help me but when I noticed the snow on the window, I hoped the pilot had his windshield wipers on!
Before I knew it we were flying into Phoenix.
I found out later that where the arrow is pointing is our hotel!

After finding baggage claim
we followed the sweet people with the 'TNT' signs outside to a charter bus just for us.

We waited patiently for the two poor men who had to stow all our luggage underneath,
loaded up,

and headed to our hotel.

Two sure signs that you're in Phoenix??

and girls trying to tan their legs in the front of the bus.

After checking in and unpacking we headed to the expo to pick up our race numbers, t-shirts, and do a little shopping.

I found several things that got me laughing.

Runners certainly have a sense of humor, don't they? Maybe that's why I've always been funny. I'm just born to be a runner. Insert hysterical laughter here. It's okay, I can take it.

Since part of the reason we were doing all of this was for Tracy's birthday 40th birthday present there was a surprise party planned. It was at a Mexican restaurant walking distance from our hotel. I packed up my crackers and Power Bar (since I can't eat Mexican) and headed out.

Let's just say she was surprised:) VERY surprised. Presents and cake rounded out the evening.
So ended Day 1. I promise that they will get more exciting as they go along. Just hang with me!


  1. It's very nice phoenix,dont forget to visit MY zroogle

  2. What a great trip. Looks like a great time. Welcome back!

  3. I'm so excited that it all went well, and I heard no serious injuries?

  4. Now this is a fun way to look at the pictures - with explanations and stories to go with them! :o)

  5. Steph these are really great photos and commentary.
    You ARE a funny lady.

  6. So fantastic, Stefunk. Thx for sharing. These photos are just great. I Love the one of you and Becky, and how 'bout that cake. Traveling mercies. U R all in our prayers. jen


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