Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Here!

Tonight starts the beginning of our high school football season. What could be better?

The air is getting crisper. I can just feel it. I love fall, it's one of my four favorite seasons. The chill in the air, needing a jacket if out late, soup, chili, pumpkins, crunchy leaves. Oh, I'm so excited.

The promise of football means more time with friends because football is basically chatting time for me. There is a game going on but I don't really pay that much attention. Besides glancing at the scoreboard from time to time, you can get all the information you need by listening to the fans.

The girls run off to catch crickets, play cheerleader, watch the boys play football, and leave me alone.

I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. How funny that I should be reading this listening to the marching band of the school 2 blocks away playing at the (I think the 1st) football game!!

    Competitiveness is in the air!


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