Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are you kidding?

At 1:40 this morning I gave birth to a 375 page cookbook. Such a relieving feeling has never been felt before. I placed it carefully in my 'Dorothy Basket' and happily took it to the run this morning. As I handed it off to Janet I felt a calmness come over me. Now I have my life back. I can continue fundraising. I can clean my house. I can fold laundry. I can spend selfish time on the computer. I can prepare for a garage sale. I can go out of town for a girls weekend. I can sleep, soundly. Woo-Hoo!!

The cookbooks should be ready to sell in about 2 months. If you'd like to pre-order one for $20, plus shipping, you can e-mail me; I'm very proud of it. It was a lot of work but I feel like it was well worth it. Many of the recipes are from the runners and they all look delicious! Well, except for the seafood...oh, and the liver and onions. All the money that's made will go to the $3,600 that each runner has to raise.

On a different note. I ran 4 miles this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, ran/walked. Our current pattern is walk 2 minutes/run 6 minutes. That figures out to be about a 13 minute mile. I'll totally accept that. We were downtown and had quite a few hills and one bridge that was so steep I was looking for Jesus at the top, but I did it! Even though I'd only had 4 hours of sleep I felt empowered. I could do anything!

Anything like ride home and take a 2 and a half hour nap.

Drop by my fundraising page and check my progress. I will be updating my letter shortly with some new information. I want everyone to know that I went 4 miles!!!

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