Monday, June 27, 2011

Amazing Friends

We spent Friday night and Saturday with my wonderful friend Debbie and her girls Amanda and Emily.  The girls are on their towns YMCA triathlon team and our little town had an event Saturday morning. 

I know I've run two half marathons but there's no way I would ever do a triathlon.  Mainly because I can't move my right arm in a circle to swim correctly.  I bet the other competitors would laugh at me if I was dog paddling. 

But these girls have started young and accomplished amazing things.

My girls and I went out Saturday morning to watch them.  They swam in our community pool (I guess it's not a good idea to have young children doing open water swims), road their bikes around the neighborhood, and ran laps around a local park.  I.was.amazed.  There were children of all ages.  My girls were also amazed and I even heard a few comments of how they'd like to do it.  And then a teenage girl crossed the finish line and threw up.  No one said anything after that.

Still, we had a wonderful time with Debbie and her girls and we're so proud of them! 

Now we need them to come back and just spend the day floating with us in the pool.  I'm worn out from watching them:c)

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