Monday, June 6, 2011

Sniff Sniff

My family left yesterday...and I sat on the couch...and did nothing else. 

Well, I did do a little something.  I read blogs that I follow.  I haven't done that in about 6 months. 

I didn't come anywhere near catching up.

I did accomplish one tiny little thing, I worked more on my plan for what I wanted to accomplish this week.  That counts, right?

So now I guess I better get up and actually start some of them. 

Anyone have a crowbar??

Shawn's recliner and I are bonding...and it doesn't want me to go.


  1. I guess your family is back by now Steph.
    Hope all is good in your world my special friend.
    Big heart hugs
    Peg xxxx

  2. I am returning to tell you I love your "Crazy Beautiful Photography" website.
    How wonderful that you are following your dreams Steph.
    Keep shining dear friend.
    Peggy xxxxx

  3. I miss your writing and photographs :( Signed, Longtime Lurker


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