Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Migraine #2

I woke up this morning with a migraine.  After posting yesterday about the one last week.  What in the world??  I have no idea what caused it.  We had new friends coming over to swim today so instead of starting my investigating, I put on dark sunglasses, crept to a lawn chair, and apologized for not cleaning up the back yard before they got here.  You see, after a migraine I can't bend.  Or move my eyes.  Or my head. 

After they'd gone and I had fixed a light dinner, I started trying to figure it out.  I can't have canned broth or bouillon cubes so I use a soup base I get at Sam's.  I wondered if that had suddenly started causing it.  MSG is only an addictive flavor enhancer that makes you want more of whatever it's in.  There are some substitutes for it that haven't caused reactions in me...but might be now. 

I am about to drive myself crazy worrying about it.  So I'm going to bed just giving up and deciding it was a fluke. 

I really really really hope it's a fluke.  Two migraines in a week is two too many.


  1. In July, the last post I saw was from early June (the day your family left... then in August, your July posts all showed up. But now the last post I can see is from July 29 (migraine #2). Is that because you haven't posted or is something crazy going on with your posts? Just curious...

    Rachel in ND

  2. I have no idea what caused it. We had new friends coming over to swim today so instead of starting my investigating, I put on dark sunglasses, crept to a lawn chair, and apologized for not cleaning up the back yard before they got here.
    Thanks for sharing with us...

  3. Stef I hope you haven't had a migraine for 6 months!!
    Stopping by to wish you a very happy, healthy new year.
    Warmest hugs
    Peggy xxxxx

  4. Miss your posts!!! Hope all is well with your family...


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