Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My baby, and yes they're all my babies, left me for Mother's Day weekend.  She went on her high school choir trip to South Padre/Corpus Christi.  Since it was over $400 for her to go, I could not join.  Even though parents were a bit less.  I cried all the way home after leaving her at the school to get on the bus.  She occasionally sent texts, but I had to follow along on Facebook for the details from the parents and other students.  Let's just say that when we picked her up late Mother's Day night I might have squeezed her a bit hard.  The fact that she had the worst sunburn of hopefully her whole life, made her not enjoy that hug.  Oh well, maybe a lesson has been learned. 

When we got home she unpacked everything in the living room to find my gift.  I was so excited to have her home and to be getting a present that I overlooked the Pringles explosion.  But I did invite Jackie 'O' over to Hoover up the mess as soon as possible. 

Soon after she begged to go to bed and I of course said yes.

But two days later the novelty had worn off.  It was time to clean this up!
And even though the 3 tubes of Pringles had been put in the pantry two days before there was another explosion.  So big the dog couldn't handle it all. 

I was afraid to look.  

1 comment:

  1. It was a great fun over there.In south padre we enjoy lots with our friends.What an awesome weekend!!! I am so glad we had a great time.It was so nice out, definitely relaxing.



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