Monday, May 23, 2011

How My Blog Got It's Name

I woke up yesterday with a sore throat.  And this morning?  Even worse.  But my crazy day doesn't care.  I did send the girls to school and then crawl back in bed for 2 hours.  I do believe that's the only way I got through the day. 

My schedule?

11:30-Take caramel sauce (that I forgot to buy this weekend) to Reagan's Sundae Party.
3:15-6-Reagan's Accelerated Reading party at a downtown bowling alley.
5:30-Get the girls ready for their voice recital.
6-Head to the church for warm-ups.
6:30-Kennedy's Middle School awards assembly at the school.
7-Voice recital starts at church.

And did I mention I didn't feel good?  I was trying to figure out how to go on Reagan's field trip and get her sister's home from school, fed, ready for voice recital, and get them to church.  I can almost guarantee that Shawn will have to work late if I am about to lose my mind.  And then my phone rang.  It was my sweet mother-in-law saying they were coming to the recital.  And when I told her how insane the day was getting, she said they'd come at 3 and take care of McKinley and Kennedy for me.  I.  Am.  So.  Blessed to have them. 

So I got to go bowling with no worries.  My spinning mind finally relaxed.  I packed up my camera, an entire box of Kleenex, and headed out.

We went to a really swanky bowling alley that is in Bricktown.  After 10 pm it becomes a 21 and older place.  I know that because I tried to go in and see some friends at exactly 9:59 with McKinley in tow two years ago.  So I'd never actually been in.  I have to say, once I got in, I was impressed. 

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the party.
And here they are.  The highest A.R. achievers and their fabulous teacher:c)
And even though we left downtown right in the middle of rush hour, we made it home in time to get Reagan dressed, fed, and to the recital on time.  And all three of my girls did a fabulous job with their solos. 

So here I sit on the couch with my box of Kleenex looking at tomorrow's schedule. 

Oh boy.

Send help.

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