Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And the Search Continues....

The phone calls from the slimy Joe started last night.  After 10!  Shawn didn't answer.  I started getting calls today since Shawn has my cell number on his voicemail.  But slime ball that he is, he always asked if this was Shawn.  So I'd say no and hang up.

Since we are absolutely set on an EOS, Shawn and I met for lunch today and starting searching E-Bay....since Craigslist seems to never have heard of them.  We found 4 possible contenders.  They were in California, Long Island, Florida, and Wisconsin.  That's what stinks about E-Bay.  After the searching we decided the Florida was the best deal for the least amount of money.  But it was in Florida.  So we decided on the original one in Texas! 

But an orchestra concert that night, gymnastics, and tons of gas burning meant we couldn't do much about it.  After the concert I mentioned to a friend that we'd found the perfect car in Florida....and didn't know how to get it here.  She said that her family and her in-laws were going to Disney World soon and she'd gladly drive it back.  I assumed she was kidding but she said she'd be happy to.  Or since her father-in-law had always toyed with the idea of doing that in his retirement, he would.  It seemed like it was all coming together! 

Now, I just have to tell Shawn everything and see if he thought it would all work.  And hope he doesn't change his mind again!

And the phone calls from Joe keep coming....

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