Monday, April 25, 2011

My Birthday

Since I started blogging I've had four birthdays.  Two have been great, two have stunk. 

This years?  It completely rocked. 

To make up for last years Shawn promised me a fabulous one.  I don't need fabulous, but fun over stinky is always better. 

He'd taken Friday off to start the festivities.  He had things planned, but first I had to sell tickets for this years musical.  But before we got there he'd taken me to get a pedicure.  My favorite new color was no where to be found.  And with an obvious language barrier, it wasn't going to be found.  So I settled on another purple, that ended up being pink!  Dadgum it, I'd done it again.  But since Easter was two days away, I went with it.  2 minutes after my nails were done they brought the perfect color to me.  They'd found it.  If I wasn't in a rush to get to ticket sales, I would have insisted they re-do them. 

As soon as we were done selling tickets we went out to dinner, followed by shopping, a movie, and an overnight stay in a hotel.  We've never done that before.  I'm a huge fan of my own bed, and not a huge fan of hotels.  But this time I didn't mind.  Mom and Dad were in charge at home and I didn't have a care in the world.  After breakfast at Starbucks we headed home to pick up everyone and go to Macaroni Grill for lunch. 

I don't even want to know the amount of calories that I consumed in the three days of birthday festivities because it frightens me.  I could feel every single one of them hanging around me while running this morning.  Sure hope they fell off.

But then Shawn did the most fabulous thing of all.  He went to Wal-Mart for me to buy Easter groceries.  I have never been happier in my life.  And while he was out he bought me a second set of the new dishes my aunt had given me and got me a Starbucks gift card.  Then he came home and helped me prepare all the food for Easter.  I was such a happy girl. 

Completely overwhelmed, definately blessed, and happy. 

So this year was amazing.  I sure hope that doesn't mean next years will stink. 

Yikes.  I'll just keep reliving this one:c)

Thanks to the most amazing, most generous husband out there!  Love you hunny!


  1. Sometimes our men really surprise us!

  2. Love you too, baby! More than yesterday, less than tomorrow!

  3. I am so sorry I am so late in reading this! Congratulations on such a wonderful birthday! My birthday is the 27th and it sucked just as it has for the past 3 years! It isn't my husband's fault; it is because of the semester alway coming to an end on my birthday and me having way too much to do. But this year was the worst! I stayed up around the clock, putting 15.5 hours into a project that was due on my birthday. I was so tired, I fell asleep in class, nearly passed out numerous times and went to bed as soon as I was done eating dinner. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished my LAST assignment I will ever need to do for my Bachelors and none of that birthday stuff even matters anymore! AND!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you for having such an amazing birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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