Friday, April 29, 2011

When Technology Dies

During one of my days of selling Seussical tickets I had been busy at work before racing to the school.  Since I'd been in my bosses car I didn't have my phone charger.  But I did have a spare battery.  I knew I'd be fine.

When I got to the school I had about 5 minutes to grab the tickets, the money bag, and take my place.  But when I got to the front door of the school I noticed people were standing outside of it.  In line!  For tickets!  Wow.  I started making my way in saying excuse me as I went.  But I wasn't getting anywhere.  People kept telling me that was the end of the line.  So I started saying, "Thank you, I know, but excuse me."  I didn't think I needed to explain myself.  And really, I didn't have the time!  It was still a high school, after all, people could have been coming in to just go to the office.  But still, I wasn't getting anywhere.  Finally I politely tried to get past someone I didn't know.  She turned around and said, "You can't come up here.  Go to the end of the line.  We're all here to buy tickets."  To which I, in frustration and claustorphobia, said, "I'm the one selling the tickets!!" 

Why didn't I start with that?  The line parted like the Red Sea.  Don't mess with me when I'm starting to breath heavily in a closing-in crowd of people. 

Okay, not really.  But it worked.  I should have conducted myself better, but I was overwhelmed. 

And when they realized who I was, they were all suddenly very nice.

I sold tickets for the next two hours and 10 minutes.  Straight.  When the first lady bought 40 I thought I wouldn't survive, but slowly and steadily my line dwindled.  When it was finally just me and the tickets I pulled out my cell phone to relax, and of course, catch up. 

I'd gotten several phone calls and texts during those two hours (many from the director... good thing I love her:) so I'd stealthily changed my battery while still selling.  I know, I have skills.  But since the high school is cinder block walls and I was right in the middle of it, the battery had just drained.  I spent about 10 minutes entertaining myself before it was dead.  And then.....I was alone.  With nothing to do.  Nothing.  I don't know how in the world I passed time before cell phones with apps.  I don't remember being insanely bored.  So I did what I could to pass the time.


Counted all the seats on the auditorium map so I could...
Count all the empty seats for each night and made tally marks on the back of each paper.
Smoothed out all the money and made sure it was in numerical order, and all facing the right way.
Alphabetized all the checks by amount, and then because I was still bored, by last name.
Greeted everyone that walked by.
Re-highlighted all the seats I'd already sold to make sure the map looked correct.
Went through every rows envelope of remaining tickets and cross referenced with the map to make sure my system was working.
Patted myself on the back when I realized my system was in fact working flawlessly.
And I think I might have actually twiddled my thumbs.

When McKinley came in from a trip I grabbed her, held her down, and insisted she take her battery out of her phone and give it to me since it was more important that people could reach me.  And because I was about to start counting ceiling tiles.

So I survived.  McKinley might be scarred for life, but I survived. 

And the next day when Shawn was with me for the four hours, he kept me supplied with batteries.  Love that man!  He was also entertaining in his own rite.  I knew I married well!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hope you guessed it!  Seussical the Musical!!!

I had never seen this one.  Which is weird because I am a huge musical fan.  I was feeling kind of disappointed in myself until I realized this has only been on Broadway and touring.  It hasn't been made into a movie or shown on tv.  My girls went online and found some clips of it to prepare for auditions, but I never did.  I wanted to be surprised:)

Neither of my girls got the parts they wanted....and we all had to come to terms with that.  They of course ended up happy to be in it and with their friends, so we all moved on. 

So I had 2 Whos, 1 Circus Folk, 1 Fish, and 1 Hunch.  That's between the 2 of them.  Practices started in January and I didn't go to a practice until last night.  I'm so glad I waited!  I was completely drawn in from the moment it started and kept forgetting to take pictures....which is why I was there. 

But I did catch some good shots.
There are my two Whos. Kennedy has the highest hair and McKinley is on the far left end.
There's my Fish.  Well, she's one of them.  I promise.  The black light has made a wonderful addition to our musicals! 

There's my hula hooping Circus Folk on the right.
And there's our elementary principal.  Four performances.  That's a lot of green.
And finally, my Hunch.  She's the one with the lines under the eyes. 
And our high school principal!  He was my Algebra 1 & 2 teacher and I heart him.  He's retiring in December.  Or at least he thinks he is, I'm not going to let him.
And not to be outdone, our Superentendant and middle school pricipal.  I love that our school system is so small that they are able to do this.  And I love that our director always makes a place for them.  And I love that they're just nice guys.
And not to ruin the ending for you all who plan on seeing it...but here's the Elephant Bird. It was so cute! I need to find where they got it and get some for the girls. What a fun memory that would be.

So the musical was a huge success and my girls had a wonderful time.  And we've already found out what next years will be....Annie Get Your Gun!!  Not only one of my absolute favorites, but one that I was in when I went to the same school.  I.  Am.  Thrilled!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's That Hair Raising Time of Year!

Know what musical we're doing this year????

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Birthday

Since I started blogging I've had four birthdays.  Two have been great, two have stunk. 

This years?  It completely rocked. 

To make up for last years Shawn promised me a fabulous one.  I don't need fabulous, but fun over stinky is always better. 

He'd taken Friday off to start the festivities.  He had things planned, but first I had to sell tickets for this years musical.  But before we got there he'd taken me to get a pedicure.  My favorite new color was no where to be found.  And with an obvious language barrier, it wasn't going to be found.  So I settled on another purple, that ended up being pink!  Dadgum it, I'd done it again.  But since Easter was two days away, I went with it.  2 minutes after my nails were done they brought the perfect color to me.  They'd found it.  If I wasn't in a rush to get to ticket sales, I would have insisted they re-do them. 

As soon as we were done selling tickets we went out to dinner, followed by shopping, a movie, and an overnight stay in a hotel.  We've never done that before.  I'm a huge fan of my own bed, and not a huge fan of hotels.  But this time I didn't mind.  Mom and Dad were in charge at home and I didn't have a care in the world.  After breakfast at Starbucks we headed home to pick up everyone and go to Macaroni Grill for lunch. 

I don't even want to know the amount of calories that I consumed in the three days of birthday festivities because it frightens me.  I could feel every single one of them hanging around me while running this morning.  Sure hope they fell off.

But then Shawn did the most fabulous thing of all.  He went to Wal-Mart for me to buy Easter groceries.  I have never been happier in my life.  And while he was out he bought me a second set of the new dishes my aunt had given me and got me a Starbucks gift card.  Then he came home and helped me prepare all the food for Easter.  I was such a happy girl. 

Completely overwhelmed, definately blessed, and happy. 

So this year was amazing.  I sure hope that doesn't mean next years will stink. 

Yikes.  I'll just keep reliving this one:c)

Thanks to the most amazing, most generous husband out there!  Love you hunny!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bath Time!

We've discussed here before about baths disgusting me. 

We've discussed here before how Shawn bathed our daughters most of their younger years and that they were all showerers by age 2.

But if there was ever a bathtub that could change my mind, this just might be it.

If only I had $2,500 to spare, and a new house with a bathroom this would fit in.

So I'll just stick with baths grossing me out.

It saves me money.

And sanity.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I'm not going to go into gas prices and how I'm not enjoying owning a SUV right now. 

I'm not going to go into gas with ethanol versus gas without it. 

But I am going to share a sign I saw that makes me wonder how stupid people can be.
Do you see it?  I would never buy gas from a place that can't even spell. 

And with my SUV, I need a whole lot of gas.

Their loss.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lost Love

I love many things about our house, and hate many things about our house. 

It is holding up well for 64 years old though.  

I love the real brick in the entry way.  I hate the fake brick linoleum in the kitchen.  
I love the real wood floors we refinished in the bedrooms and hallway.  I hate the real wood floors in the living room and dining room that couldn't be saved.
I love the original black and white basket weave tile in the downstairs bathroom.  I hate the tile that goes more than halfway up the walls in there.
I love my original vent-a-hood over the stove in the kitchen.  I hate the sound that comes out of it when I use it.

So we called a repairman.  The first thing he told me was I had the Cadillac of vent-a-hoods.  Top of the line for its day.  The two speeds, the light button, and especially the brushed chrome finish were very expensive when it was purchased.  I have always loved the retro look of it.  I'd re-do the whole kitchen with retro everything if it matched the rest of my house and inherited furniture.  I was kind of laughing though at his obvious love for it.  I was so upset to hear that the bearings on the motor were shot.  A few days later I got the call-it can't be saved.  The warranty program we use for home repairs found a white on white one at Sears for the $200 they're going to give us to replace it.  Excuse me?  You don't replace vintage brushed chrome with white on white. 

So Shawn and I went shopping.  

And you know what we found out??  You can't easily replace the Cadillac of all vent-a-hoods.  Apparently the standard width of them is 30 inches.  Ours is 42.  Nothing we do at our house is easy.  Or cheap. 

So we will soon be ordering one.  I'm still struggling with my loss.  Even though the vent hasn't worked for a while I use that light every single day.  Numerous times.  Since the repairman came it hasn't worked.  He must have disconnected it.  I, being a creature of habit, have tried to turn it on about 73 times per day in the last week.  Ask anyone in my family and they'll agree. 

I am slowly losing my mind. 

When I complained to Shawn that it was harder to cook he fixed my problem.  He got the camping lantern out and set it on the stove.  Such a helper.  But when I complained that I liked my lighting from overhead he said he could fix that as well.  He got his camping head lamp out, put it on his head, pointed the beam at the food, and stood next to the stove for me. 

So I'm continuing to cook while we search for the perfect replacement.  But I either have to stop cooking or be medicated.  I can't stop pushing that button!

So, do any of you have a RangeAir vent-a-hood in brushed chrome, with two fan speeds and a light?  Or a Percoset?


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nike Women's Half Marathon

It's that time of year again.  Time to sign up for the Nike Half Marathon in San Francisco.  I would love a second chance at that race.  Without a broken foot.  I'd love to visit that city again.  I'd love to get another Tiffany necklace.  I'd love to see the views.  I'd love to take a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge.  The boot and the overwhelming pain the day after the race prevented that.  Well, that and I didn't know about it until the day after. 

As an alumni I would only have to raise $2950.  Not exactly a good deal for me since last time I only had to raise $2500.  But certainly cheaper than $3500 all the newbies have to raise.  But....I can't fund raise again.  You all don't want me to.  My friends, neighbors, and family don't want me to.  All the people I've ever known in my life that have an address I can find don't want me to.  I know people are tired of seeing my letters in their mailbox, and inbox, and seeing me in person.  Fund raising twice in a little over two years is a bit too much.  I know.  But to those of you who gave me money for either one, I am so eternally grateful.  I loved doing my part to help find a cure.

But I don't feel like I'm done with these organizations.  Since I lost my mom and grandma to breast cancer my loyalties lie there.  So I will continue to run the Race for the Cure every year.  But someone questioned me when they heard I was doing so much for leukemia research and asked why I didn't do that for breast cancer research.  I really didn't know what to say to that.  Then I found out that a drug that was funded by a LLS grant by TNT raised money is being used for breast cancer.  There you go, it's all working together.  That made me feel so much better. 

But, I still can't fund raise again.  So when I got an e-mail asking if I'd help plan the kick-off program, I was all for it.  After two meetings picking themes, colors, decorations, and food, last night it all came together.  I was in charge of pictures.  Fitting, don't you think?  I took pictures from previous races, turned them black and white, and then re-colored in one or two colors.  Since we run in purple singlets, it was an easy choice.  I then had them printed and matted them on colorful scrapbook paper.  I'd love to show you pictures of this...but I didn't take any.  Want to know why?

Because I was taking pictures of, and eating, these.

Holy calorie load Batman, they were fabulous.  The amazing Ruth made them.  She is a leukemia survivor and an award winning baker, cake decorator, and sugar artist.  Click here to read more about her.  The last paragraph is my favorite.  She's done 5 of the last 7 Nike races.  So her necklace collection?  Amazing.  She wears them all on one chain with spacers between them.  So to entice people to sign up, she put a edible silver charm that exactly matched each necklace on a cookie, on top of the amazing parfait.  Why she weighs about 70 pounds I'll never understand.  She must not eat anything that she eats.

I ate this one.  It has my necklace on top.  It.  Was.  A. Maz. Ing. 
So I ate the parfait, and quite a bit of pita chips from the snack table, and didn't sign up.  It was hard not to.  The kick-off meetings are so inspirational.  But I didn't.  But I did sign up to be an assistant coach for the fall season.  So I still get to be apart and don't have to raise money.  The best of both worlds!

And I still get to spend time with amazing people like Ruth. 
How can you say no to that??

Monday, April 18, 2011

This Is Just Wrong

I grew up in a mixed marriage house. 

A blended family. 

It was an over the top or down behind marriage. 

I'm talking toilet paper here people.

My mom won the battle and for most of my life before my dad left it was over the top.  A few times though he snuck it in.  But of course after he left is was always over the top.  That was odd because my mom's sister and dad and step-mom were all down behind people.  I guess my mom was just the smartest of the bunch:)

For most of my life I have gone around flipping rolls over.  Never at someone's house, that's just wrong, but at public bathrooms.  Okay, maybe at some houses...but only if it was a guest bath and I knew they wouldn't be using it themselves.  I have some morals.

Shawn's family is an either or type.  I've never figured out which they are.  But I'm more than happy to flip it for them.  I'm such a good in-law, aren't I?  Shawn has just always gone for my way.  He's flexible like that.

A person I follow on Twitter  posted this handy reference.  It shows you the reasoning behind the right way to do it.

So imagine my surprise when I found this in the bathroom this morning.
My text 'Is this some kind of joke' got the reply, 'Just being ornery'.  He'll pay.  Trust me.

So let me hear from you.  Which way do you hang yours?  The right way, or the wrong way?

And if I can handle what might come of it, some day we'll discuss if the lid should be up or down.  I might need therapy before I go there.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Think We Had Some Wind

That's actually a complete understatement.  It has been incredibly windy here for weeks!  Up to 60 mph gusts. 

After seeing this this morning on the way to school I am so grateful we have a garage.  I know this didn't do any damage to this truck, but it could have!  The bigger pieces were all around the truck on the road.  I would have taken a picture of that...but I my jammies.  I sure hope I'm not the only one who drives my children to school in my jammies!

Because we are out of everything, I had to go to Sam's and Wal-Mart.  In 60 mph winds.  I bought enough that I had to take the carts out to the car.  Did you know that carts have wheels?  It was ugly, I'm not going to lie.

When I was driving home I kept noticing something blowing across the streets.  I thought it was loose leaves.  But nope.  Not in Oklahoma.  It was the ends of branches.  New, just grown, tips of branches.  I tried a few times to take a picture of one but I just ended up running around my driveway chasing it like a loon.  So here you go. 
Isn't that sad?

And I don't mean my original countertops that won't ever be white again, I mean the branch!  Focus please.

Well, I'm off to try and comb my hair.  Wish me luck.  And send conditioner.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Scenes from Staging 2

We are back at it again!  Staging two new model homes for a local builder.  In the smaller home we are staging it from top to bottom.  In the larger home we are doing light staging; kitchen, master bedroom, and master bath. 

You know what that means!  Shopping!!

Here are some of the fun things I've found this week.

This is apparently a big trend now.  That thing is $400!  But don't worry, it's half price.
After seeing this two weeks in a row I have decided I'm still confused.  Is it a parody of a psychiatrist...or is it an insult to pear shaped women?  Either way, it's just wrong.
 It takes a lot of pillows for four total beds. 

People stare when you buy this many pillows.
 This?  This just cracks me up.
After going to two of the biggest furniture stores in town back to back I found out that artichokes are all the rage.  

I don't think I'd put a big, heavy, pointy, fake artichoke on my couch though.

Oh, and we bought this love seat.  And the matching couch.
We did not buy the artichoke.

Try not to be disappointed.

And then there's this. 

I need this.

I want this.

I can't live without this.

But I have to.  It doesn't go with my 65 year old house and my traditional furniture.
I'm sure they won't mind if I come in from time to time in my jammies with a cup of coffee and a People magazine and curl up for a while.

They're cute jammies!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Remember me telling you about my fabulous friend Jalene?  And that we were shooting prom together?  If not, pay attention!


Prom was Saturday and I must say, it was so much fun!  I attended the same school but we weren't allowed to have proms because of an old will, a man of many beliefs, and a church.  It's too much to go into now.  We had banquets.  They were fun...but now I know what I was missing. 

Jalene handled the posed pictures and I shot candids.  I fought off and on with my external flash, but finally when all the lights were turned off for dancing (except some strobe lights, don't worry) I got it.  But what I found out about high schoolers dancing is, they dance toward the center of the room.  I have a lot of pictures of behinds.  And the two times I pushed through to the middle?  It was dangerous!  I still got some good shots though.  Jalene on the other hand?  Not many people wanted posed.  Sad really.  Those that did didn't have money with them.  From what we've heard about the previous photographers, people weren't impressed.  Hopefully we can build trust and show them how awesome we are, and by the Fall Ball (that we also get to shoot), they'll know we rock!

I could share some of my favorite pictures from the evening, but instead I wanted to share the most popular one.
This is the picture I put on Facebook to ask which shoe was better. 

It got a lot of comments.  And the results were split almost down the middle.  Luckily I was too distracted after I took the picture to take them off so I picked the bow one based on comfort.  Sadly an hour and a half in they were no longer comfortable.  Thank goodness I'd worn flip flops there to set up and switched into them before the dancing started:) 

And about the dancing.  I'm a good little girl who never really learned how to.  My church didn't condone dancing so I just never did it.  Times have changed and now it's okay.  Sadly it's too late for me.  I can step touch, but that's about it.  But you know what happens when you're taking pictures of dancing teenagers for three hours?  You have to let it out!  I busted out a few step touches every once in a while.  It felt so good!

Don't worry, it was dark and I doubt anyone saw me.

They were blind from my flash:c)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Day Off!

Do you remember that excitement when you had a day off of school?  You stayed up late the night before and slept in the next day, just because you could?  Well my girls were planning a late night last Thursday.  They were just waiting for Shawn and I to leave the den and the remote to them. 

But they didn't quite make it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Curly Hair

My first day back to running didn't start well.  Cold, windy, and drizzling.  But I was going no matter what.  Mainly because I knew Karreen would be waiting on the corner.  That accountability can really come back and bite you in the behind, can't it?  So my straight hair and I started out.  And when I got back I had 'the curls'.  Not the wavy, half curly, have to work really hard on it curls.  'The curls'. 

The pretty/could never make it happen on my own/would pay big bucks for/perfect curls.
Can you see it?  You have to look close because it's only the top layer of my hair!  I've discussed my cursed hair before, but it bears repeating.

Sigh...If only I could make that happen without a cold drizzly run.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My New Love

I know that I am constantly falling in love with things.  New phones, photography things, food...but this is a new love. 

I have found the perfect toenail polish. 

For about three years now I have been completely faithful to OPI's Midnight in Moscow.  It's the perfect black without being black.  That makes sense, don't worry.  I strayed a few times, but always came back. 

My friend Karmen gave me the best tip a few years ago.  Own the color you get when you go for a pedicure.  That way if you get a chip before you're ready to go back you can fix it yourself.  That tip has saved me so many times. 

I had forgotten to take my perfect shade a few months before the San Francisco half marathon so I picked a pretty purple.  I loved it.  It was so TNT purple.  When I went back for my pre-trip pedicure I picked what I thought was the same color and it turned out pink.  Bright pink.  Luckily our Mitchell's Angels shirt were pink so it all worked. 

Since then I haven't had a pedicure.  I'm not in training so I can't justify it.  My feet look bad, yes, but that doesn't matter.  Well, I found a way to make it justifiable.  When you put your feet into bed at night and slip them under the sheets...and the sheets go with's time.  Luckily I started training for my next half marathon a week later. 

When I walked in I knew I wanted purple.  The purple I'd had before.  I picked the darkest one I could find and set in for my time with the massage chair, I mean the pedicure!  But something happened as my lady was shaking my bottle....I saw what the lady next to me had on.  I instantly asked for it.  Five minutes later it was mine. 

So here's to my new love.

It's glittery, but dark, but light. Yes, I know that makes no sense. Let me 'splain.

In indoor light it looks brown.  In outdoor light it looks purple.  And in direct light it sparkles. 

Hello perfect color! 

I'm thinking it's time for another pedicure:c)

And in case you are wondering, I believe it's China Glaze.  I'm pretty sure that's the only brand they have at my place. 

Go forth, paint!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

i heart crumbs

I have a sweet friend I met when I joined the Phoenix Mitchell's Angels.  I fell in love with Renee the first time she opened her mouth.  She's hilarious!  And sweet.  And cute.  I could so easily hate her, but she won me over with her humor.  Not only does she run and entertain me with her Facebook status updates, she also bakes.  Amazing things.  And she wanted me to take pictures of her creations so she could start a website and eventually a bakery.

We started with cupcakes.

My newly purchased studio lights and I showed up at her house this morning ready to go.  But the girl wasn't ready!  Her excuse?  She can't do the math to half a recipe so she just made 11 full recipes of cupcakes.  They were everywhere.  Literally. 

As I set up she got started.  6 pounds of butter, 9 bags of powdered sugar, a Prozac, a 5 hour energy drink, and a Red Bull later...she'd made 9 different recipes of icing and frosted enough for me to photograph.

Here are some of my favorites.