Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When I married into Shawn's family I had never heard of BDD. Mom shielded me from it while we were dating apparently. I was a few years in and Mom finally told me about her 'curse'. You see, she has BDD. It's not a devastating disease, but an annoying one. It makes running errands hard. It makes traveling hard. It makes being a mom hard. It just makes life hard.

I'm sure some of you suffer from this disease. I'm sure many of you don't even know it. I'm sure you, like me, will read about it, and suddenly discover that you have it. And like me, you'll never be the same again.

You see, BDD is Back Door Disease. Now matter how long you've been gone, or how much liquid you've had to drink, as soon as you see your back door, it's a race between your bladder and your legs to see if you can make it to the bathroom in time. It's a horrible feeling. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Well, yes I would. But only her. I hadn't heard about it and didn't suffer from it until the very day I was in Mom's way when we got back from a five hour car ride. It wasn't pretty. Now, I have it too.

I don't blame her, she didn't know what she was doing when she mentioned it. But now at least she doesn't suffer alone.

Who else out there is a sufferer? Who is just now finding out the scientific name for something they've always had? Who is cursing my blog because they now have it??

Love you all. And so glad to know it's not just me and Mom anymore:c)

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