Monday, February 21, 2011


How is this possible? I promise, she was just born. Do all moms feel that way or is it just me?

Here are my 15 favorite things about my Sweet Pea.

1. She was 11 days late and was born very sick, but she was a fighter and even with 67 sticks to get an IV started, she grew stronger every day.

2. God has given her an amazing singing voice. She doesn't want anyone to hear it though:{
3. She picks times to be a sweet big sister.
4. She is always willing to be my photo subject.
5. She inherited her mothers beautiful long eyelashes:c)
6. She's a great friend.
7. She's a wonderful help around the house.
8. She's always ready with a funny face to lighten the moment.
9. She is an award winning cookie baker.
10. She is obsessed with chickens and Mustangs. Random? Yes she is.
11. She's hot.
12. She's ending one musical study but beginning a new one.
13. She's famous and often bargain priced.
14. She's following most of the rules and taking excellent care of her braces. And trust me, we've discussed the consequences. (See picture on #13 since I can't find a better braces picture.)

15. She's beautiful. And she's all ours:c)

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