Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Thanksgiving

We were expecting 14 people for our Thanksgiving. In Shawn's family I host it every third year. With four brothers, four wives, two parents, and 10 grandchildren it could be a big group. Last year when mom had it she held it at their church so we'd all fit. My aunt and grandmother are included each year so we're over 20. But for my year, one brother and his family went to Branson to see different family, one brother and his wife aren't speaking to any of us, and the third brother called the morning of with news of a sick kiddo. That dropped us down to 10. But with only a three hour warning, I couldn't cut back on the food. I make everything the day before to save my sanity on the actual day. I just take everything out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before I'm ready to bake it all.

So now, six days later...we're still eating Thanksgiving food. And have plenty to share. Want to come over??

So what did I fix??

Get ready.

Cranberry Cheese Ball-One of the two recipes I have made up on my own. Based loosely on one I tasted at a tea room. It's heavenly.

Mushroom Puffs-Six ingredients of what I hear is pure heaven. I hate five of those ingredients so I go no where near these things.

Turkey-All Shawn. From picking it up at the store, to marinating, to injecting, to frying, to cutting. All him. I love him for that. Oh, and for reaching inside and removing the yucky things. I will not under any circumstances do that. We wouldn't have a turkey.

Dressing-I have yet, in five years of making it, made a good batch. Send help. And recipes.

Gogo's Cranberry Salad-Absolute delight on a fork. Marshmallows, whipping cream, pineapple, and cranberries. Absolute delight. Have I said that already? It's what I asked her to bring.

Burgundy Mushrooms-Nine hours of simmering. 3 a.m. alarm set to start them. Whole house smelling like them. I hate mushrooms. Hate. They were loved by almost all.

Mashed Potatoes-I add cream cheese and sour cream, put them in a casserole dish, and bake them the next day. I had the very last of them today for lunch. I cried knowing it had come to an end.

Gravy-I hate gravy. Except cocoa gravy which we had the next morning for Reagan's birthday. I don't boil the yucky innards to make broth like I should, I just make a roux of flour and butter and add beef broth. I know I know, I should be ashamed. But I'm not because I don't eat it!

Spicy Sweet Potatoes-Sweet potatoes and I have had a long relationship of not getting along for many years. I don't like them mashed with marshmallows on top. I do like them grilled with butter and cinnamon and cayenne. And I've now found I love them roasted with oil, brown sugar, and cayenne. Reagan hates them because they're 'hot'. She will have to learn.

Hominy Casserole-This was McKinley's only request. (Reagan's side dish request was Crock Pot Lasagna...but that's another story for another day.) It's a Pioneer Woman recipe and McKinley had five servings. We finished it last night. She cried.

Broccoli Rice Casserole-This is an absolute tradition. We can't celebrate a holiday without it. I found an easier version a few years ago and it made my life happy again.

No Knead Knot Rolls-The easiest bread recipe out there. Make the dough the night before, no kneading! Kelly tried them this year and loved them:c)

Pumpkin Pie-I can't stand pumpkin pie. I don't even have a recipe for it. I made it anyway. I heard it was good.

Pecan Pie-Pecans are my favorite nut but put them in a sugary pie, no thanks. Yuck. I heard it was good.

Whiskey Sauce-I tried the Pioneer Woman's recipe that was supposed to take took me almost an hour. I'm a pretty good cook. I don't know what I did wrong. It went on the pecan pie so therefore I didn't try it.

Marshmallow Pie-This was my pie. Sadly not everyone knew that and I did have to share. It was delish.

See why I have food left over?? It was a bit much!

But soooo delicious.

What did you all have for Thanksgiving?


  1. I want to try the PW Whiskey sauce too, for Pecan pie, didn't have time and Kev was working! I only cooked for 5 of us, and Kev actually got to come home at 9pm Thanksgiving night. He had warmed up everything!

    I was able to cut down on how much I cooked, and we didn't have tons of left overs this year!

  2. I'll share my super easy and yummy dressing recipe if you share the cranberry cheeseball recipe. :)


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