Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Baaaacccckkkk!!

I did it! I ran a half marathon on a broken foot. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone, but I'm glad I did it.

I have about 500 pictures to share with you and tons of stories but my laptop is out of commission. When I got back to the hotel after the race my laptop had been knocked over from where I left it and apparently stepped on by the housekeeper. My screen is almost completely black:( Shawn has been nice enough to loan me his laptop for today but the pictures I took on the first two days are on my laptop.

So stay tuned for all things San Francisco. I know you all are on the edge of your seats, aren't you??

Until later...


  1. I hope the laptop is under warranty, or that the hotel is taking responsibility?

    Sorry I missed all the fun.
    Waiting patiently....

    Hugs, Aunt C

  2. Welcome back and congratulations on such an amazing feat..feet? =) I hope your tootsie didn't suffer too much and is on the road to recovery!


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