Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We have a love of Sonic in this here house. It was a very rare treat before the wonderful incredible thing called Happy Hour came into being. I usually go twice a week. Diet Dr Pepper with cherry and easy ice? It's a little sip of heaven. I treat the girls to it every Monday because of voice lessons right after school.

In our last five or six visits we haven't gotten very good service. Now, we don't just go to this one because it's close, but because it's the best. Something has changed though. I've waited up to 20 minutes for four drinks.

And Monday this happened.

A cup with a hole in it. Because we were in a hurry to get to voice I told her to cover it with her finger. But soon that wasn't holding it in. So she attached her mouth to it. It was very hard to drive when I was laughing so hard.

Then she decided to just drink it one drop at a time.I was crying at this point. Sadly we went last night for dinner. Just three Wacky Packs and a drink. I placed the order four times and when it was repeated, it was wrong. Every. Single. Time. The last time I asked for her to repeat it she didn't. I pushed the button to make sure it was right, but she didn't reply before the food came. Of course when the food came it was wrong, and only one of the three drinks they brought was right. We'd ordered four drinks. The car hop left the straws and took the drinks back. He came back six minutes later with three drinks. All once again wrong. He left more straws and took the drinks back. Then the manager came with three drinks. Two of them were right. He left a handful of straws and took the wrong one back. I was so mad but could not stop laughing because at this point I was holding 12 straws and three were already in use! When the manager came back the last time all the drinks were correct and I handed him 12 straws before he tried to hand me one more. We were now in a hurry to get to church and I had to get away from that place. As I backed out I realized I hadn't paid. In the five times someone came to my window they never asked for money.

I felt no need to pull back in and bring that up.

I think we'll be taking a break from Sonic. And I'll be making a phone call to a 1-866 number.

Have any of you ever had service so bad you stopped going to a favorite place? I can't be the only one!


  1. I have quit going to Sonic because of bad service and the drinks gave gotten yucky! We now only go to Tim's drive thru! The drinks are marvelous and love the ice! Food is also yummy!

  2. Stephanie, it is so sad, but good service and correct orders are a thing of the past! With our family, especially when all 6 of us were in the same house, we couldn't ever get a drive thru order correct. Good luck.


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