Monday, September 27, 2010

Marshmallow Artwork

When I was printing out a picture for a gift for a 4 month anniversary...yep, I came across some pictures I'd forgotten to share.

For Kennedy's 11th birthday party we made marshmallow skewers as thank yous. I'd seen the idea on The Decorated Cookie and purchased the markers she'd suggested.

I did the artwork and Kennedy did the wording. We had a blast.

I've done these for lunches a few times with rave reviews.

Okay, so who's going to buy the markers and make these?

I can't wait to see your creations!


  1. Those are so cute. I love the little bees.

    I'd love to do those myself. Of course I'd have to fly to America for the markers.....oh...and find marshmallows somehow. Oh, well. LOL

  2. OMG! How freakin adorable and easy to do! Why the heck couldn't I find stuff like this when my kids were younger! I supposed I could use them for my daughter's grad party in a year and a half! =))

  3. Well, why couldn't we have done these on the 4th? What Markers are you talking about?? Dear niece pease be explicit!!! I'm old and out of it! Please text me! I need this for the Halloween party. They are so cute!

  4. those are beautiful!!! What a great are so full of great ideas...


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