Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where Did Summer Go?

About the middle of April I am sooo ready for school to end. It's usually dress rehearsal time for the all school musical and we still have our regular lives to live. Field trips are starting and the end of year craziness is just around the corner. I long for the lazy summer days of sleeping in, spending the day lounging at the pool, and enjoying grilled evening meals under our Magnolia.
Then about the first of August I am so ready for school to start! We're all bored, no one wants to swim, it's too hot to do anything else, the girls are fighting, and I miss having a schedule.

We're there now. They're sick of the pool, they're sick of each other, and everyone is tired of grilled chicken and salads.

The girls and I are planning one last quick trip to Branson for some time at Silver Dollar City and a little back to school shopping. But they almost lost that opportunity the other day with a doozey of an argument. A little threat and they were perfect angels. Luckily for them I really want this trip as well.

Even though I'm ready for school to start and our schedule to be back in place, I still feel like summer has flown by. Anyone else feel like that? I don't feel like I've done everything I'd hoped to do. Yes I got my yard work done, and we had several big parties, but the little things like having friends over for dinner, and letting the girls have more sleepovers just didn't happen.

Every year I say that it will.

But looking through my folders of Summer '10 pictures, we did a lot. A LOT. We had lots of family in town staying with us, we had several small family reunions, we had our usual group parties, and we went to some neat places.

Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

Here are a few of my favorite moments.

Cousin Logan loving the fountains in Bricktown.The remembrance fence at the OKC Memorial.Just a few pictures of the chairs. It's such a beautiful place.
Aunt Janis trying to give driving directions to two different lost cars of cousins.Even though we were together for a funeral, it was nice to have some extended family time.My sweet cousin Andrea. She's a generation above me but she acts younger than me! We were having a nice posed picture taken when she did this. Love her!This girl is the best watermelon eater I have ever seen in my entire life! Emily, you amazed me! There was only white left when she was done.The cute Ohio boys came to visit. They didn't have time during the summer to come because of soccer practice, but a death in their family brought them here. We were sad for the reason but so glad to spend some time with them.
McKinley knows how to impress the cute boys.They have noodle wars that hurt to watch and hear. I don't know how they get out of that trampoline still friends.Shhhh, Molli is meditating.It's always interesting to see all of our flotation devices in one place. On one body.I know I just shared these next two but they're so good I had to share again!Since Ashley's visit was a surprise she added her own welcome to the kitchen chalkboard.Remember the surprise?Oh that girl.We did make lots of trips to get snow cones. Today was one of those:)We once again lost countless pool toys.I took tons of pictures. This one might be my favorite. Gigi with all but three great grandchildren.Teaching the youngest generation the important things in life.We met our newest cousins who were just adopted from Africa. We watched one fly.We had lots of fire pit nights.There were cute girls all around:DWe ate lots of good food. Some ate more than the rest of us.The facial expressions after a booty bounce jump are always good ones.This man. He has skills. On the ground, in the air, and in the pool.Speaking of facial expressions. Really, do you think she's tired of just a simple smile?We call this Martha Washington hair. We see it a lot.And that's not our pool. I'm sure you all were confused.

I did tons of yard work. And cursed the day we bought oak trees for the front yard.
We rested more than usual.We took plenty of trips and made tons of memories.So I guess our summer was well lived.

Does it have to end?

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