Sunday, August 29, 2010

11 miles

Saturday morning my alarm went of at 4:53.

I hate regular times.

I was actually excited to head out for 11 miles because the week before the 6 I did had been rough. I've been having some shoe problems (I will never again leave the original running store) and I finally had the right ones. Plus the weather here has finally started to cool down. After having a migraine at mile 8 of a 9.5 miler a few weeks before, I needed redemption. I decided (since I'm a doctor) that the reason for the migraine was my electrolytes were low. That much sweat without proper hydration really wasn't smart. I'm not a Gatorade drinker but this Friday night I had one right before bed, some for breakfast, and the rest after the run. I should get paid for my medical services because I might be on to something.

We were running around a local lake and as we got up on the dam the sun was just rising.

It was bee-you-tea-full. We went out 5.5 miles and turned around and went back. That gorgeous sun? Well, it was in my face for the last part.

Good thing it was pretty to start with or I might have been mad.

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