Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Colorado Kennedy Day!

I have to say that I was a little jealous that Kennedy got to wake up on the morning of her birthday in Colorado. With an April birthday I've never been able to do that. Her sisters waited for her to hop in the shower so they could take our SLAM cards and do this.We packed up the car and headed to Manitou Springs for breakfast and some serious birthday shopping.

We drove the main street looking for a place to have a birthday breakfast and ended up at a crepe restaurant. Hello heaven on a plate. We are serious crepe eaters. In fact, that's what we're having for dinner. We only eat them filled with fruit but this restaurant served them three meals a day.

This is what I chose. Strawberry. Oh baby. The whole restaurant was 'gluten free' and I must say these were good, but not as good as mine. Apparently it's the gluten that makes mine good. My apologies to my cousin Brook for that.

Our first stop was the Manitou Glass Blowers where Kennedy found a starfish necklace and earring set perfect for a birthday girl. After a lot of window shopping,a few funny pictures,a few posed pictures, and a stop at our favorite t-shirt place,we found a local park.

But not any park, a circle park. It was so much fun.

It had a circle merry go round on an angleand saucer swings. I wanted to take a turn but the mom of a very cute 2 year old boy was staring me down.Since we'd had Josh and John's ice cream the day before, why not have some frozen custard to celebrate Kennedy's birthday. I can always find a good reason to eat ice cream:c) If you ever need a reason just let me know. I can justify it for just about anybody.We saved the hardest part of the day for last. Finding a gift for Uncle Scott. Do you all have someone in your family that is impossible to buy for? He doesn't like sports and doesn't have any hobbies. We usually end up getting him a book or a gift card to a book store. Because Shawn was with us this year I forced him to find the gift. He ended up with...a book. While waiting for him to choose which one Kennedy decided to do a little light reading.She's a funny 11 year old, isn't she?

I saw this as I was getting in the car. I've been to this town probably 30 times and had never noticed it before. Oh well, there's always next time:')As we headed up the mountain the sky started darkening. Growing up in this area of Colorado I'm very used to the 2 o'clock mountain shower. This was different though. At one point we were driving through rain, hail, and...snow! When we got to the Ranch and the Chalet there were piles of hail everywhere! I wonder if this snow shovel could tell the difference.After Gogo and Grampa got there Kennedy found the one thing in life that makes Grampa the happiest, a puzzle.Gogo needed help shucking the corn on the patio and with the view of Pikes Peak, that's where I ended up.But if you've known me long enough you know I had to go get my camera when I saw this.My mountain. My mountain with a fresh blanket of snow on it. On July 8th. What a birthday present.

Just not on my birthday.But hers:c)

1 comment:

  1. My fiance and I are heading to a cabin near Pikes Peak for our honeymoon in a little over a week. Looking at your posts has really made me excited. I have already been to the Josh and John's website and received a coupon from them. Any advice on what we should do would be greatly appreciated. My fiance wants to go trout fishing and I would like to take the Royal Gorge railway.


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