Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4th Fun

Now that I've blogged about our vacation maybe it's time to blog about our 4th of July festivities.

I've already told you about our surprise, but the fun that followed deserves a few posts of its own.

Carrie, Ashley, Amelia, and AJ got here and the kids headed straight to the pool. Even though Carrie told Amelia and AJ to unload the car. An hour after they got here Carrie noticed her van had doors open and was still half full of stuff that needed to come in!

They younger ones did get out of the pool for dinner, but that was it. They were in there until long after the sun went down.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Yep, belly flop. She did one each day that she was in the pool. And to our surprise, lived through each one.

I love watching Shawn launch Reagan. The streams of water that fly off her crack me up every time.Land this one wrong and it could leave a mark. Luckily she's a professional.The girls love seeing their aunt and uncle and cousins, but the fact that Aunt Carrie brings her water camera is a bonus. I'll have to ask Carrie for the picture that McKinley took in this jump.I have no idea what time we went to bed that night, but I do know we squeezed as much fun into each minute as we possibly could.

And we did that same thing for the next few days:c)

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