Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why I Love Summer-2

After my workout this morning it was so beautiful that I made some coffee, grabbed my laptop, and spent some quality time bonding with an adirondack chair poolside. When two of the girls friends came over for the day McKinley volunteered to make Chocolate Chip Pancakes for the bunch.


As I sat and blogged they had a delicious summer outdoor breakfast.

After eating, instead of jumping in the pool, they decided to climb the tree. I climbed this same tree when I was a little girl growing up across the street. I still am bitter about a small branch ripping the entire length of the leg of my brand new corduroy pants. The matching vest just didn't go with anything else. Don't you just love remembering late 70's fashion? Me neither. McKinley though, wasn't happy with just going a little way up the tree. As she went higher and higher she started telling me where to go to get the best picture.

This is from the next door neighbors yard.Think we need to re-paint the house?? Me, too.

But soon she'd gone higher and sent me past the neighbors yard, across the street, and into another yard. Still can't see her? Does this help? Oh how I love summer!

1 comment:

  1. Climbing a tall tree is on my bucket list!!!
    Love the pics.
    Peggy xxxx


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