Sunday, June 13, 2010

To-Do List

My week of no family, no cooking, no relaxing is over and what did I accomplish?? Quite a few things actually. I did impress myself. But in 16 days we have family coming in town and I still have a million things to do. Okay, maybe not a million.

Let's count. Shall we?

1. Clean the kitchen windows, outside and inside
2. Clean out, organize, and hopefully paint
3. Touch up painting all around the house
4. Clean out flower beds-especially the corner that is overgrown
5. Return dead and plant alive herbs
6. Clean out and organize the patio
7. Buy new pool lounge chairs
8. Finish meal planning
9. Grocery shop to serve 5 for 4 days, and about 30 for 1 day
10. Move rose bush
11. Buy and plant sweet potato, decorative grass, and begonias
12. Buy new wood and have Shawn re-do park bench
13. Shop for and replace adorable, perfect, decorative balls that Shawn and Tyler smashed one of
14. Clean the house, especially showers
15. Clean out pool toy storage trunk

Well, 15 things in 16 days. I might be able to do that!

Well, who would take bets on that?

I want odds!

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot. But I'm sure you'll get it all done. You're Superwoman! Now get off the computer and get busy.


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