Friday, May 14, 2010

Photography Class

Since I'm not smart enough to own my camera I am taking a class this month. The teacher is one of my favorite photographers. He took many of McKinley's first pictures. Each week I go, take three or four pages of notes, take a few pictures, say 'aha' a lot, and leave wondering if I will ever be able to take a good picture. I can get good pictures, but I don't know how I'm doing it. I just take a bunch, changing a few things each time, and get one that I like. Fine when I'm forcing my own children to sit still and smile, but future clients might not enjoy that.

Tonight was our second class and we had an assignment to bring five picture in our area of interest, taken with no flash in natural light. No problem. I am not a flash user and I have three daughters, easy. The story behind what I actually did is another post in itself. It involved barbed wire, poison ivy, ticks, and a lot of gas. I wasn't pleased at all, but got rave reviews from my teacher. I might know what I'm doing....well, maybe I just lucked out.

My favorite, and the one the teacher liked the most is this one. I know I've already shared it, but it's a favorite.

I played with it a bit and loved it with a texture. Kind of hides the fact that they're not dressed nicely, it's off center, and it's a complete accident!

This weeks assignment? Five pictures, no flash, field of interest, depth of field, full manual.

I'm not smart enough for my class.

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