Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oklahoma Storms

We've been under a severe weather watch for...forever. Well, maybe about a week and a half. We've had dime to softball size hail in our area and numerous tornadoes. We are desperately trying to get our roof replaced and the hail has fallen all around our neighborhood, but not on our house. We're not asking for much, just enough to damage just our roof. Is that too much??

Anyway. Sunday when a huge storm was blowing in we had to go to a piano recital. I threw things in the pantry I didn't want to lose and was headed across the street to my old house to get in the basement. It was then that I realized we'd be safer at the church where the recital was. So off we went, in my car. Nicer than Shawn's. But with better insurance. I really was torn. Just as the first little piano player was lightly touching the keys with her nervous little fingers, the storm hit. There were only stained glass windows so we couldn't see anything, but boy could we hear it. If it wasn't hail, it was the fattest rain I've ever heard. An hour later we raced to the lobby to see what we could see. No hail was on the ground and nothing around the church was damaged. It really was the fattest rain. But as we were enjoying the reception, texts started coming in. One of Shawn's clients who lives in one of the ritziest neighborhoods had windows broken out on his house. Other people were getting the same messages from friends and family.

The news that night had amazing pictures and video. People using snow shovels to clean their driveways, hail falling through a tree and ripping off limbs, and shattered house windows and car windshields.

I hadn't seen any in person until yesterday when I parked next to this at Sam's.
Notice the whole in the top of the side mirror. And if you look at the reflection, the mirror is broken. The mirror on the other side looked the same. Look how far down the side it went. Must have been hailing sideways. I've seen it before. Even though there were no tornadoes with that storm it was still devastating to many.

It did keep us out of the basement though.

Can you believe they're so happy? I try to keep the mood light, but they seemed to be doing okay. This is from last Monday when tornadoes landed just miles away. We already have plans to be there tomorrow based on the weather forecast:(

But true to God's promise...a rainbow.

This video on youtube shows how intense it was. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that video was INSANE! I've never seen anything like that. Stay safe!


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