Thursday, May 27, 2010

Now What?

The banquet and auction are over.

The musical is over.

The 5th grade promotion is over.

School is out for the summer.

Photography class is over.

So why am I not blogging?

I don't have a clue.

I am still fundraising.

I'm still training for the half marathon.

I'm still lost in a mountain of laundry.

I'm still living in a dirty house.

I still haven't started any yard work.

I want to redecorate my entire house and paint everything in sight.

But I'm here, sitting on the couch at 11:27 pm. I've been up since 5:15 and will be up tomorrow at 5:40.

And I'm out of coffee!!

Send help.

Send coffee.

Send inspiration.

And send paint. This color please:c) Woodlawn Charm.


  1. My bathroom is similar to that color but possibly a little more blue. Was this for inside?

    What room?

    Where are you going to find the time?

  2. I'll be able to help you in July when I come visiting.
    Hope you will be home and hope you will have some coffee.
    Peg xxxx


Comments?? I LOVE comments!