Saturday, May 29, 2010

Do You Think...?

...It smells bad in this car??Now before you think I am going to pick on smokers, let me tell you about the recent smell in my car.

Wet, moldy, lake clothes. Yep, they stewed in there a couple of days before the aroma reached it's most annoying amount. I was afraid to look back there and see what it was. So I made Shawn. I just love being married.

So what about you all. What's the 'worst-smell-that-lead-to-a-nasty-discovery in your car? Please make me feel better. But I will start with this. Rotted leftover milk in a sippee cup ranks pretty high on the list.

Not that I know anyone that has happened to....

...I'm just guessing it would be bad.


  1. Okay, I have a really good one. I took a trash can filled with nasty trash to the dump in the back of my Expedition. Days later my car still smelled horrible. I took it to Autospa for a thorough cleaning and they called to tell me that they found a dead frog under my third seat!!!! EEEWWWWW!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I put a poopy diaper in one of our Denver youth group student's car. She didn't find it for three days -- NASTY! Now she has three kids of her own. Sure glad she still lives in Denver and we're here - she'd be getting me back!

  4. do you really wanna know? Last year before we bought our new car...I keep smelling something really bad in our van like rotten seafood!!!! Finally I couldn't drive it any more and made my husband get in it and see. (ya know he wouldn't believe me till he actually got in it!!!)Well he finally decided to look. We had hepa filters in our A/C. Well when he decided to look at them a mouse had built a nest in it, had a baby and the baby had died.....There is no smell worse!!!!!!

  5. funny I just checked my blog!! I was on yours commenting as you were on mine commenting!! Too funny!

  6. I spilled potato soup on my floorboard. To this day when it rains and the car is damp I can still smell sour milk. Which sucks because I live in the Pacific NW where it rains a LOT!

  7. My Mom's dog pooped in bag once and we didn't find it for a week+!!!!
    That was bad!


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