Friday, April 9, 2010

When The Lilacs Bloom

When spring arrives in Oklahoma my lilacs bloom.

I have three. Sadly I can't see them from any windows.

Before the pool opens we have the most beautiful backyard.

We have two Redbuds that bloom a pinky purple color,
(I have no idea how they got the name red),

a yellow forsythia,a fruitless plum that has beautiful pinky purple blooms,and several almost 100 year old purple Iris's. But the thing that gets me out the door? The three lilacs.

Well, really just one of them.

Lilacs were my mom's favorite flowers. At the house across the street that I grew up in there was an amazing lilac bush. It was right outside the back door and it was a show stopper. That was one of the saddest things to leave behind when we moved. Where it was is now a great room so it has been lost. But at our second house in the neighborhood my mom bought and planted a lilac. When we moved back and bought this house the owners of moms old one called and asked if we'd like to have it. Thank goodness for a small town and family friends. It ended up in our front flower bed. After a few years I moved it to the back right behind the girls swing set. I wanted it to be enjoyed when in full bloom. The girls love to play outside as soon as spring has sprung and they see it in all its glory. McKinley was 5 1/2 months old when my mom died so none of my girls knew her. But they have a little part of her with them when they're playing.

Today I was having an emotional day. Going through the MRI and ultrasound made me have my mom on my mind. As I pulled into the garage I saw the lilac peeking over the brick wall. I went to it and just breathed in its beauty. And yes, I got a little teary. I snapped one of the prettiest blooms off and put it in one of my favorite vases. And then I knew I had to share its beauty with all of you.

Treasure the people in your life. And once they are gone, treasure the little things left behind that spark the wonderful memories. And breath in the sweet fragrance.

Thanks to my sweet McKinley for the first three pictures:c)


  1. Those are beautiful flowers. Great job!

  2. I have an old white lilac bush. It was dying and I transplanted to a different spot in the yard. It was at the base of an old locust tree and I think It just didn't get enough sun. It has taken 3 years for it to flourish but it's bloomed out as of yesterday.

    I have 2 shades of redbuds. the pink and a shade darker but still not RED.

  3. My dear beautiful Steph
    The lilac blooms are simply stunning...your mother sure fell in love with a wonderful flower.

    This post is just bursting with so much love and is not just about flowers. I feel your mother is with you always, guiding you, encouraging you and most of all loving you.

    Did you know that the lilac is both childlike and whimsical but also full of a gentle, sophisticated promise, it is representative of maturation. The pinkish purple petals of the lilac have long been a favorite of events celebrating a growth from innocence into experience, from adolescence into adulthood. This makes the lilac perfect for any occasion where a change from youth to wisdom is heralded.

    I found the above description on the web.

    It will be such a joy for me to be able to hug you in real life Steph. I am not sure if you are aware but you are a wonderful human being and your mother would be so proud to have raised such a caring, thoughful, courageous person.

    May you always be surrounded by love and light.
    Peggy xxxx

  4. Your Mom is still with you and your post is like a healing balm to those of us who are struggling right now. My baby sister and I enjoyed a lilac bush right at the end of our big porch as children. It is great to remember sweeter, better times. Thanks for the memories.

  5. The lilac has always been my favorite flower. We had a beautiful bush in the back yard on the S side of Chicago when I was little, I loved it!
    Great pics and blog.

  6. It was a reminder that your mom is still with you... I LOVE lilacs. The smell is intoxicating. Reminds me of my grandma, who had a huge bush right next to the porch.

  7. Those are beautiful. It's funny because on our way home we were discussing red buds and wondering how and why they are called red bud when clearly they are NOT red!! What kind of camera do you have? Might be in the market for a new one soon mine keeps acting up!


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