Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Spam, oh the spam

I don't have one of those captcha thingies on my blog. I don't like to enter them because my brain wants to make it a word and I usually don't get it right on the first try. But can I say, with the spam that is overtaking my life, I see the reasoning behind them. I get at least one spam comment on my blog each day. I have been offered discount prescriptions, computer programs, real estate, and today, French cheese! French cheese? Like I would every mail order that.

But it's not just on my blog, it's in my inbox also. I have two e-mail addresses, one for all those times you have to give someone an address, ordering online, checking out at Bath & Body Works. I check it about once a month and delete 500 and forward 10 to my real address. I give my real address to the people I know and love, like you all. If you comment or send me a direct e-mail it comes right to the good address. That's because I love you all more than I love my dog.

But here's a sampling of the stuff I've received lately.

Deactivation Of Your Webmail Account COX.NET Kindly note that We
recently did some upgrade on our database.

During the upgrade there was an unusual responds code from your
email address requesting for deactivation.

Verify to deactivate or keep your email account active.Inorder to verify/
confirm your email identity, You are to provide the following data;


Last Name:_____________________________

User ID:________________________

Email Pword:________________________

Account Deactivation:___NO______________(specify yes to deactivate. No

tokeep active)

Reason for Deactivation__N/A___________()
your response should be send to the admin manager

Warning!!! in failure to verify your email account within 24hrs on receiving this notification, your account will automatically be deactivated

Thank you for using our Webmail COX.NET ACCOUNT

warning Code: ASP803hd
Kind regards,
The webmail serviceTeam Management.

To complete your COX.NET webmail account, you must reply to this email
immediately and enter your Password here ()This message is from
COX.NET messaging center to all COX.NET email account owners. We
are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account centre.We are
deleting all unused COX.NET email accounts to create more space for
new accounts.To prevent your account from being closed, you will have to
update it below so that we will know that it's a present used account.

Email Username :
EMAIL Password:

Date of Birth:Country or Territory : Warning!!! Account
owner that refuses to update his or her account within 7 days

Dear Friend,
Good Day,
Please kindly accept my apology for sending you this email without your consent. I believe you are a highly respected personality, considering the fact that I sourced your email from
the peoples search database on the web during my discrete search for a foreign partner whom can assist me in taking this business to it success. Though, I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events. I have a proposal for you.This however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honor against your will, but I hope you will read on and consider the value I offer.My name is Mr Xiery Kabore, I am Audit Manager in BOA Bank Of Africa. I have a business proposal in the tune of US$10.5m to be transferred to an offshore account with your assistance if willing.After the successful transfer, we shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me. Should you be interested, please respond to my letter immediately,so we can commence all arrangements and I will give you more information on the project and how we would handle it.You can contact me on my private email:( and my private number 00226 7860 9441 ,and send me the following information for documentation purpose:
Full name:
private phone number:
current residential address:
Age and Sex:
I look forward to hearing from you
Best Regards,
And God Bless
Mr Xier yzard

See what I mean?? And Mr Xier yzard?? Oh good grief, I think we all know that's not a real person. The first two I thought were interesting because I do have Cox e-mail but I don't think they'd send an e-mail without their logo somewhere on it.

Do these people have nothing better to do with their lives?

Anyone else having Spam problems?

And I don't mean the congealed meat. That's a different problem all to itself.


  1. Spam in my emails is pretty much handled by gmail well. I never see them. One sneaks in every once in awhile on Yahoo...that's the one I use to order stuff online and give to people if they ask for one at a business.
    But the spam in my blog....not so much. I have to delete it myself. I moderate and approve or disapprove all comments. And I approve comments even if I might not agree with the commentor. I pretty much know my peeps and know where they are coming from...but the oddball crap has to go...delete! No more comments than I get, it doesn't take long to go thru them.
    I am like you about that odd mixed up "word". I never get it right the first time. I do not comment on blogs that have both! I think that's excessive.

  2. I've been getting anonymous comments lately that keep trying to send you to some weird web site! But like you I can't do the weird mixed up word! My dyslexia gets the best of me!


Comments?? I LOVE comments!