Friday, March 5, 2010

Here We Go!

I am up and running!


My fundraising website is set up and already receiving donations!

It had only been up about two hours when Kim made the first one. Can I tell you that I sat here with tears streaming with amazement of her generosity? I don't know her in person yet but I stalk her here and on Facebook. I hope to meet her someday and thank her in person.

Shortly after I got the e-mail about hers I got another one! My friend Marilyn who made my old job fun and bearable also donated.

Can I just say, I feel loved. I'm honored by these sweet people in my life!

So, really, I'm not going to go on and on about fundraising. I promise. But for those of you who are interested here is my link.

My fundraising page

Coming up...the weekend of McKinley! Banquet and Achievement Party at a Japanese Steakhouse.

Stay tuned!!

On the edge of your seats, aren't you?? :o)


  1. I think you are such a great person!!For a lot of reasons...but for being a hero to those who suffer with this horrid illness and then some! I am very proud to call you FRIEND. You inspire me to be a better person!
    Love ya

  2. Congrats on your decision to run,your fundraising and thank you. On the 13th of this month it marks 6 months since my mom died from leukemia.
    I have followed your blog for about a year. I don't comment but I always enjoy reading. I don't even remember how I came across your blog but I'm glad I did. :)

  3. I still can't believe I'm going to run a marathon, or crawl one with you!!! I need my stuff to come so I can get my web site for fundraising up!


  4. I am honored to support you!!! I used to run in high school and college, but my old bones just can't take it anymore! I think what you're doing for Mitchell's family and in his memory is amazing.


Comments?? I LOVE comments!