Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Channeling Martha Stewart

This blog post is brought to you by my new pink laptop:c)

Sorry, moving on.

My grandma gets several monthly magazine subscriptions that she reads and passes down to me. Well, I forgot the best part. When she's reading them she tears out any page that is an ad front and back. So when I get them it is just article, article. It's a whole new world. A world I can't believe I didn't live in for many many years.

You all should try it.

Visit my wonderful world.


I found something in Martha Stewart Living that I knew I needed. I even knew I could make it. I don't often feel that way since most of the projects in there are too expensive and the recipe ingredients are things I can't even pronounce.

But this, I can do.

I started by going through the storage area right outside the kitchen. Pulling pots and hoping to find enough dirt that I wouldn't have to buy some. Looks promising. Luckily I had plastic pots to use as the stands so I didn't have to waste any of the terra cotta ones that I use around the pool.

Not bad. Can I also say that I worked up quite a sweat and burned some serious calories moving all of those.After a quick run to Home Depot..and somewhere else...I had everything I needed. And here it is! I bought Flat Leaf Parsley, Basil, Oregano, Cilantro, Rosemary, Chives, and Thyme. I use the parsley the most so it went on the top. More growing room. I put it right outside the kitchen window so we can enjoy it from inside as well as out. And can I just say, it smells terrific outside my back door! My old herb garden was right behind the diving board and it took a lot of abuse. It also was a long walk when I had something already cooking on the stove! And, if you don't mind me saying, I'm pretty proud of it.

So, now I need some more recipes for dishes with fresh herbs. I have some favorites would like some new ones. Anyone want to pass along some tried and true ones?


  1. I did this a few years ago. And I ran a stick down the center of the pots to steady them. I put flowers in the pots. Casacading petunias and some really nice smelling plant in the top one, a can't remember the name of it...rose gerainium.It was nice... I wish I had tended to it better. My pots have since broken up...it doesn't help when the hubs shoots in their direction.

    Good Luck with it and I can't wait to see it all grown out.

  2. That is a wonderful idea! I'd love to try it.

  3. I think I might have to try this! (After I get through the next couple of weeks!) My flight is non-stop to Austin! One of these days I'll get through OKC! Hope your training is going well!


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