Saturday, January 30, 2010

Welcome to Yoklahoma

We have a very cute, very athletic, very now teenage friend who at the age of four was adorable. When we'd ask him where he lived he'd say, "Right here in Yoklahoma." If I mentioned that to him now it would probably mortify him.

But that phrase kept coming back to me as I sat at my kitchen window and took pictures of the snow falling.

These pictures are taken about 2 hours apart.

You don't always see snow like this in Yoklahoma.Even the fly trap that hangs from the Magnolia tree had snow piles on it. It hangs at the bottom of a two and a half story tall tree. How did the snow make it through all those branches??And no matter what the season, we have a ladder leaning up against the tree. And it also got snow in it. In it. Wild.You have to work with me on this one. See the pipe on the far left?Even it gets a snow cap.The hanging baskets with all the dead plants needed something to make them look better.Much better.And where else but Yoklahoma could you have a January rainbow that covers the whole state?I know the other 49 are jealous now:c)


  1. Fabulous photos all that snow in just 2 hours.

  2. No, we really aren't jealous!!! We had a pretty good rainbow too!
    I must say you had a lot more snow than we did! Woo Hoo for living in the South!!!!!!!!

  3. I too enjoyed the snow and a time to slow down with our families!!!! Love your blog!


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