Monday, January 11, 2010

Traditions ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Sing it with me! Traditions....traditions....traditions. Wish you could hear me singing right now because the words don't really do well to convey my inflection in each time. I am quite talented you know.

Anyone know where that song is from.

I'm sure you all have Christmas traditions you do with your families. One of our is to make Minty Snowmen. Each of us gets one after I make the dough, and personal expression comes out when we get to the decorating.With one tablespoons worth of each color we have to make sure everyone has enough to make their facial features and accessories.It's serious. I've loved seeing how the girls snowmen have changed over the years. Reagan's especially have changed. It's no longer stressful to her to do it. She has plans and can now make them happen. This year I grabbed a few sprinkles so they were a bit more creative. And funny:c)McKinley's. I love the jacket. Considering what was going on outside at this point on Christmas Eve.Reagan's. She got into the sprinkles.
Shawn's. I love the hat. Looks like a skate boarder to me. He had the remainder of the dough to use so he got a pretty chunky scarf.Mine. I was very worried that we wouldn't have enough so I didn't do much. My ear muffs do look a little headphone'ish, don't they? My snowman is warm and jamming.Kennedy's. The hat is so cute! Lots of rainbow sprinkles over a blue hat. I'm going to have to copy that.I make the girls wait a few days to eat theirs and it just about kills them. This year I got to take pictures with my brand new camera! More of that in another post.


  1. I want this recipe!!!! Way too cute! And what kind of camera did you get?

  2. I agree way to cute. May we please have the recipe!

  3. Fiddler on the Roof!

    Am I right?

  4. I think Fiddler on the Roof!

    How did you do the musical notes??

    the hat looks like one we sold at work for $35.00!!!

    Very Cute!!!


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