Sunday, January 24, 2010

One of the many reasons I love my husband

While on our way to Reagan's indoor (thank goodness) soccer game yesterday Shawn started getting excited when we were approaching a low spot in the road. He plays three of his five indoor teams at the same place and had taken his Taurus through the high water. He said it would be so fun to drive my Expedition through it. As he talked faster he drove faster and soon we were in the midst of what looked like a water explosion. He told me on the way home he wanted me to take pictures of the car going through. He was like a kid in a candy store.

After the game we went through again and he dropped me off at the corner with the new camera and a setting for continuous shooting.

I shot as he drove through twice. Being the big kid he is, he loved these.

I just had to share. But now...he owes me a car wash.


  1. Oh how funny!!

    You know how much fun that was.

  2. Wow what great shots Steph!
    Wish I had been in the car or even better wish I had been driving.
    You guys have so much fun!
    Peggy xxxx

  3. Hahaha! That's great!!! Love it! :)


  4. Funny! I guess men are always 1 part little boy!

  5. BOYS... I was thinking the same thing about the car wash as I was looking at the pics. Great pics, BTW!

  6. So Funny, seems just like Shawn! Boys and their toys.....


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