Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm still alive....sort of

Well, I seem to have disappeared from the blogging world here lately, haven't I? I am still here. Just insanely busy.

McKinley made Junior High All-State Choir this year and we have spent the last three days staying in a hotel in another town while she attended daily rehearsals. Three hour rehearsals. It all culminated with an amazing concert yesterday afternoon at our church. It was amazing. The $200 a night hotel did not have free internet in the rooms. What's up with that?? I did sit in the lobby to use it but it was cold and I really wanted to be in the rehearsals.

That is another post for another day though. I even have a few pictures.

You've been warned.

For now I have to decide if I want to unpack or just live out of my suitcase until Wednesday morning when I leave with Kennedy and McKinley to go out of town for Children's All State Choir.

Such tough decisions I have.

So stay tuned, I will be back.

I know you're on the edge of your seats:c)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am always on the edge of my seat waiting for google to tell me there is another post from the lovely Steph!!!
    Listen up, just enjoy your time away.
    Take care
    Peggy xxx

    Had to delete the first post, hate typing errors!

  3. Well, we Supermoms are expected to do it all! Come on, you have a lap top for a reason!!!! (just kidding)

    Good luck

  4. I know you wouldn't be anywhere else and couldn't be any more proud of your girls. Have fun.


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