Saturday, September 26, 2009

Photo Shoot

I took McKinley out to take a few pictures a few nights ago. I really wanted to play around with a bridge and the sun. Sadly, I don't know enough yet to make this work.

Here's my proof.

It started out good.

Apparently I can photograph shadows.And this would have been a stunning picture of our two bodies sharing a heart if McKinley's shirt hadn't been puffy. Oooh, Seinfeld moment!!I love this one though. This bridge has been right down the road for years. Long before I came to this town.We set out to see what we could get.Cool sun flare. But dark face.But the flash washes things out.This one I love!

This one is just asking for some Photoshop love. A little texture maybe...Love the sun, love the pose, hate the dark face.She wanted to try. Let's just say I did not go out there expecting to have my picture taken.These two I love. She's such a cutie!54 pictures later we'd had fun, laughed, and enjoyed the view. She asked if she could take one more and I'm impressed with what she got. Maybe I should just let her be the photographer and I'll keep track of all the money she makes!


  1. Loved the photo shoot Steph.
    Who said the photos didn't work!!!
    Take care mate.

  2. The first 2 shadows are hilarious!
    Fun photo shoot.

  3. Did you NOT know you could photograph shadows??? But a star filter and try with the sunset and upcoming Christmas lights, you'll love it!!!!

    Also, buy a regular solar filter and paint clear nail polish on it, you will love the soft blurry focus effects it gives you!


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