Friday, September 11, 2009

Last one, I promise!

I know I told you that I was done with vacation posts....but could you bear one more?

Still there?

I have started an interesting love affair with my cameras macro button. It's up close and personal. It's in your face. It's my new love.

I spent quite a bit of my vacation time squatting all over Colorado taking macro flower pictures.

Here are the 13 that made my favorite list.

After a little Photoshop of course.
I bought a collage frame half price at Hobby Lobby. Kim, not nearly as cool as yours:(And slowly but surely printed out the pictures at just the right size.I am in love.We had to do a little rearranging in the house to hang it. That meant another trip to Hobby Lobby for the corner shelf. Lucky for Shawn, I already had all the necessary decorations.And remember when I mentioned printing the pictures at just the right size?? Um, yeah. Here are the extras that I did wrong.Anybody want some really cute pictures??


  1. I love it! Those are beautiful! I may try to copy that and try to pull it off as my own idea to my family... :)
    Just kidding - they would know...
    mama, REALLY? where did you get that idea from???

  2. Beautiful! And yes, they are as cool as mine! I love the hummingbird and the 6th one down--the blue/purple flower. Have a great weekend!
    PS. What does it say on your chalk board?


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