Friday, August 7, 2009

The best laid plans...

I had the whole 4th of July weekend planned out. Meals were written down in a spiral notebook, groceries were all purchased; nothing was going to slip by me.

Knowing we were having ribs on the 4th, that needed to be boiled on the third, I took them from the freezer on the 2nd. Over 24 hours later when I started the boil I found a solid mass of pork.

What to do...Sadly this was not the answer.

And even sadder, I knew it...but still did it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Back to visit after eons I know. Blogging took a back seat for a while. I've been walking and will be working toward walking (not running) a half marathon. I don't see a running post for a while, how are you doing?


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