Thursday, July 30, 2009

Watch out for my new obsession!

I am in love. That seems to happen a lot, doesn't it? Oh well, I usually get a good result.

My front porch light is so ugly that you just have to like it. I am all about keeping things around that the original owners chose. I loved them and knowing they chose it means a lot. But some things can stay but need to be....improved.

Sadly I cannot find a before picture. I was so giddy to start that I guess I forgot. Luckily after I posted this an anonymous reader left a comment that I had a before picture in the previous post. So here it is! A tiny bit of it. But enough to realize why I've done what I've done.Just imagine these yellow circle Plexiglas thingiesin the slots on the body of the light.My lovely assistant took it apart and helped me slip the thingies out and then put it back together.

And re-taped the Braum's bags when they repeatedly fell.And then the paint. Hammered Copper spray paint. I found the idea here. And savagely stole her picture because I was to lazy to get up, go outside, take my own picture, and upload it. It was dark! Anyway. Check out her blog. Her recipes, ideas, and pictures are wonderful.

The finish is amazing!Now here's the problem. There's no way that I'll put those yellow Plexiglas thingies back in. We've tried two different light bulbs and this time might have a winner.What's your honest opinion? Does it need more Plexiglas, or plain glass, or decorative glass? Or leave well enough alone?

Since I'd fallen in love with the spray paint at this time I started looking for other things to do. I didn't have to look far. Yep, ugly house numbers. Let's not talk about the chipped and peeling paint around them. Okay? I can't handle that. I'm still on this natural high you see. And no, it's not from the paint fumes.Over an hour later (yes, it took over an hour to put little tiny pieces of tape in and around the numbers. In some places I had to use tweezers. It's all about quality here.Hello gorgeous!Now, are you ready for the next place I'm painting?

If you said yes, are you sure?

It's unconventional. It's unknown. It's frightening. It's unheard of.

My white tile kitchen back splash.

Stay tuned...


  1. Looks good, but I think I would put some clear glass back in it.

  2. Your "before" picture is in the previous post....

    Great job!

  3. I love hammered paint!

    I think some frosted glass would look lovely in the light fixture.

    Thanks for following me at Tragedy-Strikes. You were just in time for me to get found out by my nemesis and I had to start a new blog. Sigh. If you would like the URL for the new place, send me an email.

  4. You are outta control with that can of spray paint - but I love it! Maybe I can do my porch light & mail box - thanks for giving me another thing to put on my 'to do' list!

    Just one question: wouldn't it have been easier to take the numbers off the house, paint them, and then put them back?

  5. I like it - I think I'd put clear glass. Can't wait to see the tile painted in the kitchen - I've thought of doing that too.

  6. It looks great. I would go with clear glass. I cannot wait to see your back splash. You are very brave!

  7. Love the look of it I think it needs some clear glass too. Can't wait to see what you are up to next!!


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