Friday, July 10, 2009

My Math

14 5th graders

2 8th graders2 2nd graders1 enormous beach ball 2 matching swimsuits2 flippers24 cupcakes20 Sprites

20 water bottles

6 pizzas

3 boys15 girls18 bags of popcorn10 rafts

2 air mattresses

3 rings1 Crazy Wheel2 moms

1 dad & 3 cousins1 float-in movieAll adds up to a very happy 10 year old.
And just in case you haven't laughed yet....
Yes, it's a cupcake piece mustache:c)


  1. What an awesome birthday party! I love the cupcakes!

  2. I'm sad we missed it! And, of course you got Tyler's back!!


Comments?? I LOVE comments!